Thursday, February 19, 2009

Performance issues

Some of the issues I see RVCBard struggling with seem very relevant to some of my interests.

I see her wondering how to write a script that will help performers and cast members give an audience what she wants to give them, without prescribing what they will see. One way I'm thinking of it is that she wants to help people see the magic all around them. What she wants to give people is not in the motives and purposes of the characters, or in some statement she might be making. Speculating about the motives and purposes of the characters, or about what she's trying to say, will only get in the way.

I'm not trying to write a script, but I am trying to propose some ideas for a kind of performance by people whose hearts God has turned to Him, which includes helping people see the magic all around us, and putting a new spirit into the life of society. I want people to see their own possibilities for themselves, and not read too much into the specifics of our performances.

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