Saturday, March 17, 2012

Trying to learn to write more freely, to let my heart show, and stop putting words in the way. How, how, how?

Seeing God doing something in people's hearts, what people sometimes call the gift of faith ... yes, just try to move the images and feelings onto the tablet, without all that stuff I do with words. God doing something in people's hearts, that I think of as like lighting a candle ... God as a reality that many people see as nothing more than a myth, a psychological gimmick ... lighting candles. He might use some candles to light others. Am I lit? Maybe there's no way for me to know? Is it only on or off, or degrees, or maybe both at the same time, like light transmission as waves and as particles, both at once? I don't dare lay claim to being lit, but I want to be, and hope to be, and maybe that's what matters. If I am, that's the most important thing by far that I have to give to the world. If I want to be, then what better can I do than put myself where He can use me if He wants to, to light others if I'm lit.

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