Sunday, March 18, 2012

Nets of theology and other ideology woven and cast by wolves in shepherd's clothing, disabling and isolating volunteers for the gift of faith, and dividing them from each other. Unbelief masquerading as belief even in the most scripture-quoting corners of the most scripture-quoting communities. Popular superstitions masquerading as science. Folly masquerading as wisdom. Psychological manipulation masquerading as reason. A tidal wave of naked, shameless, proselytizing self-worship. Arrows of blame and ridicule.

I will raise my ugly candle, flame or no flame, in defiance of all that, in defiance even of my fear of offending God with my weak or missing flame. Maybe some other volunteers will see my candle, flame or no flame, and take courage from it, or at least find some amusement in it to cheer them. Maybe some will send me messages of encouragement too. Raising our candles, however ugly, flame or no flame, might help volunteers for the gift of faith find each other, so we can encourage and support each other and learn from each other.

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